Featured News & Articles

The Physics of Astrology…
Hey Astrologer, are you tired of all the eye rolls from non-believers when talking about astrology? Have you ever wondered how it truly works? I'm not referring to the interpretation side, but rather the mechanics of how the alignment of the planets gets down here … [Read More...]

Learn Astrology – The Natural Chart…
In our previous lesson, we learned that gaining mastery in astrology takes years of dedication, study, and practice, however, there are basic fundamentals which all astrologers need to know which can be learned fairly quickly with some solid effort. The … [Read More...]

Learn Astrology – Zodiac Sign Glyph Symbols…
In our previous lesson, we learned that we can get a solid foundation of the fundamentals of astrology by studying the "Natural Chart" (aka Natural Horoscope, Flat Chart, or Flat Wheel) and that it displays the natural order of the basic components involved in … [Read More...]

Learn Astrology – Planets & Rulers…
In our previous lesson, we learned that a certain zodiac sign naturally corresponds to each house, like so: If you do not know which sign naturally corresponds to each house, review this material and do the exercises until you can ace the quizzes. It’s … [Read More...]

Astrology Quiz – Zodiac Signs & Glyphs…
Test your astrology knowledge with this quiz on the glyph symbols of the signs of the zodiac. Enter the name of the zodiac sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini) which corresponds to the zodiac … [Read More...]